Sometimes, it all falls perfectly into place. This beautiful baby girl came to her lovely Mum and Dad as a bit of an early surprise, but by the time I met this family for their newborn photo session at home, everyone had settled into their new life. The new roommate was absolutely charming, with her gorgeous full head of red hair and tiny blonde eyelashes. A sleepy, good-natured, beautiful baby girl that absolutely rocked her first portraits in a way that makes a newborn photographer’s heart well up with joy and gratitude!

Natural Newborn Portraits at Home

I often get asked by clients whether it is better for them to come to my studio, or for me to visit them. What they are really asking me is, what is going to give them the best results? The most “professional looking” portraits? My answer is invariably that one is not better than the other – they are both equally wonderful and fulfilling in different ways. I offer both because every family has different needs and wishes for how their portraits will look.

A newborn baby photo session at home like this one is ideal for when, like in this family’s case, baby has just returned home from an unexpected stay at the hospital, and everyone is just looking forward to some quiet time at home to settle down. The family home becomes an active part of the images, and a reminder for this family of “how we lived back when she first came into our lives” for many years to come.  I love the intimate feel of photo sessions like this one, and I am always thankful to my families for their trust in opening up their homes to me.

Here is a selection of some of my favourite images of the day.

natural newborn photography at homenatural newborn photography at home natural newborn photography at homenatural newborn photography at homenatural newborn photography at home natural newborn photography at homenatural newborn photography at homenewborn photo session at home    natural newborn photography at homenatural newborn photography at home natural newborn photography at home   natural newborn photography at home


I am a specialist  newborn baby photographer, covering  Winchester, Southampton, Reading, Newbury, Guildford, Farnham, London and cities and towns inbetween. My work centres around you and captures the love and connections in your family. Find out more about my photo sessions at homein the studio or at a beautiful outdoor location near you; read about all the stunning ways you could display your family portraits, or simply contact me now to book your own, unforgettable family portrait experience.